Sherman's Food Adventures: Vancouver Sun Children's Fund

Vancouver Sun Children's Fund

Normally, I'm not for one to post random stories or promotions. This is a restaurant blog and I generally like to keep it consistent. However, there are times when I feel the need to help. Often, in our daily lives, we forget that there are many people less fortunate than us. We get to enjoy the luxuries in life while many do not even have the basic necessities. It is even more troubling when many of these suffering individuals are kids. From first-hand experience, I have seen students who have come to school hungry on a daily basis. Can you imagine them doing well in school when they don't even know when their next meal is? The Adopt a School project by The Vancouver Sun Children's Fund aims squarely at helping the neediest kids. Every dollar raised in the campaign will be matched by The Children’s Fund.
In addition, if you "like" the Vancouver Sun Children's Fund on Facebook, $4.00 will be donated to B.C. needy kids. If you are able to, please support the Adopt a School project.


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