I have to give credit to Kevin, who writes
604Foodtography, for my visit to Uncle Fatih's. I never even knew the place existed, despite the fact I drive by it quite often. I guess I'm either really focused as to where I am going or I don't really pay attention to small pizza slice shops. Well, from the outside, Uncle Fatih's does seem quite unassuming. Anyways, I was off to play late night ice hockey tonight at Britannia and I thought that it wouldn't be too much of a detour to visit Uncle Fatih's. So after the game, I quickly got out of my gear and showered. I arrived at Uncle Fatih's at around 1:20am.

Luckily for me, they were just bringing out a pizza hot out of the oven. That particular pizza was the Ground Beef and Blue Cheese Pizza and it was awesome! The crust was crisp on the bottom and not oily. Yet, it was soft and fluffy underneath the cheese. I would say it's similar to the crust at Me n Ed's; but the crust is not crunchy throughout. There was only an adequate amount of cheese on the pizza. However, it really didn't need anymore since there was lots of ground beef on top. The blue cheese was applied to the pizza after it has been taken out of the oven. I would've actually liked even more blue cheese dressing on my pizza, I love blue cheese! The second slice was M

ushroom and Bacon Pizza and I didn't like this one as much. It was not as flavourful and the crust was not as crispy. I think the reason for the discrepancy between the pizza slices was that the 2nd slice had been sitting around for awhile. I guess if you want a really good slice of pizza, you have to wait for a fresh one.
The 2 slices with a can of pop came out to $4 including tax, not bad for the quality of pizza. I chatted up the older gentleman behind the counter and asked him exactly how "Fatih" is pronounced. He said that it's difficult for English speakers to pronounce it because the sound comes from deep in the throat. So it's not "Fatty's", "Fatea's", or

"Fateef's"; rather, it's "Faa- te" (with the "te" being real short, almost halting). Not only did I not know how to pronounce it, at first glance, I thought it was Uncle Faith's. Well, I guess I had "faith" in Uncle Fatih's pizza, because I went at 1:20am on a Thursday morning to try the pizza!
The Good:- Crust is very light and not oily
- Decent amount of toppings
- Good value
The Bad:- Pizzas could use a bit more cheese
- Very small shop - you pay, get pizza, leave
Uncle Fatih's Pizza
1685 East Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
www.unclefatihspizza.comBusiness Hours:
10:30am - 2:30am (Mon - Thur)
10:30am - 3:00am (Fri & Sat)
10:30am - 1:00am (Sun)
Was just there Tuesday night after coming home from SFU...long day up there finishing my project.
Got beef and blue cheese and spicy chorizo, both had just come out. Yums. :)
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