McRib. Wow, I haven't seen you in awhile. You return every now and then; but for only a brief visit. I remember back in the day, there would be a bonus hand-warmer that would accompany you. As your box clearly states - an old friend is back. However, I'm not sure what type of old friend comes slathered in BBQ sauce and you'd want to eat them. Well... I'm sure that is not a stretch for some people. And what is with you? You're merely a formed pork patty that has been pan-fried, slathered with BBQ sauce topped by onions and pickles on a bun. Why do I crave you so? I'm not sure what I was thinking when I was a little one; b

ut right now, as an adult, you taste strangely like a breakfast sausage patty with a BBQ sauce in need of some smoke. Well, at least you were free, courtesy of McDonald's Canada. I gotta give it to them though. They didn't take offense to my indifference towards their new 1/3 pounders...
Back to the McRib... Is it nostalgia? Or do I put you high up on a pedestal much like the girl I was infatuated with in high school... Whatever the case, I look forward for your return every now and then. People may laugh. People may scoff. People may shill. I don't

care. They don't understand. I grew up with you. And as the box states, it is a love affair. A strange one at that. With your fleeting existence, I really think it is a fling more than anything else. Now for a real affair, I much rather caress a Filet-O-Fish. Ah yes, I cheat with you very often. In fact, Viv doesn't mind. She sometimes joins in! I visit you often. Especially when my actual meal did not "satisfy". You complete me when I'm longing. Longing for fulfillment. Yah, you are fast food. Again, people will laugh. People will judge. And people will want to ridicule you. Don't pay attention to them. They are haters. They are food snobs. You complete me when I'm hungry. You had me at tartar sauce...
lol..... be careful or you might become a Ribhead .... like Homer Simpson did with the Ribwich .... and start a cult following for the addictive sandwich. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribwich#Cultural_references. Actually it sounds like you are more likely to be a Filletoffishfanatic!
I have to say I have a weakness for the Filet o Fish too!
Get a room, already!
bahhha! I didn't know you wrote poetry Sherman?!?! bahahha! I'll break your heart by telling you I've never had a McRib... my love fest is with McDonalds fries (only when they're hot and fresh), their ice cream, fish fillet, egg mcmuffins and hashbrowns. Chicken nuggets aren't bad either... mind you I haven't had mcdonald's in a long time... minus the ice cream, fries and breakfast... I have those a few times a year maybe. Love this post! It's SO YOU!
OMG, my first McRib experience was actually while working at McD. In 1982, Gr. 9, at North Road & Austin location. Gross then, and I bet gross now. But I gotta say, it's creative how they formed the "ribs" from that sorry piece of ..... McPork [wink]
Yeah, Mijune is right. What's all this McProse about ?
"You had me at tartar sauce..." ?!?
It's like a McBoomerang, just comes back over and over again.
OK I'll stop now ......
I agree with the Filet o Fish and sadden that I didn't get a chance to try the double Filet o Fish. Hope it comes back soon!
@WhiteRock Haha, I'm a Filetofishfanatic for sure! Something about that sandwich, must be some additive!
@T&T Yay! Another FOF lover! :)
@Karl I did get a room, it got real messy...
@FMF Me? A Poet? That is as likely as me being a Richmond resident...
@LR I don't want to know what goes into my McD's food... I just eat it and cross my fingers... McProse? Must've been the additives in the McRib, I felt funny after.
@RR Ah yes, I had the Double FOF... It was a lot of fish! Maybe too much fish?
dont eat the filet o fish! its made with ugly creepy eel-like fish.
I've had 3 McRibs so far and probably will have another. I usually ask for lettuce and extra onions to give it more texture. I will eat this over one of their cardboard tastings burgers any day.
Can't say the fries have improved much.
@ Rich & Sherman: FoF is made of pollock and/or hoki:
A different link:
@Rich Actually the FOF has been made with many different types of "fish". I'll still eat it...
@Holly Something about the McRib. It's really nothing that interesting, but I still eat it!
@LR Exactly, it is made with that for now... And I'll still eat it...
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