Sherman's Food Adventures: Let's take a pause...

Let's take a pause...

First and foremost, I hope everyone is doing well during these uncertain times.  I have friends that are either out-of-work or have taken pay cuts.  I really feel for all the people that have been affected by Covid-19, in terms of health and economically.  Although I do have a few posts that I can still throw up on the blog, I've decided to take a break for the time being.  I have been cooking lots and have been considering whether to activate a domain that I've been paying for since 2011.  It is and I might very well start posting on it.  It currently redirects to this site.  However, I will start posting again when I feel that it is the right time.  The people in the restaurant industry work hard and I wish them the very best.  Naturally, I would also like to acknowledge everyone who is out there doing their job and keeping people healthy and stocked with supplies.  For now, follow me on Instagram: @shermansfoodadventures  Take care everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuously updating your blog! I still come to your site from time to time, I find comfort in reading your reviews - it's a real nice break from everything, especially with the pandemic situation. Just want to say that I will also check out your cooking posts when you start them. Stay safe!

Lara Wilson said...

In this post, Sherman Chan has expressed his feeling towards people who are affected by COVID-19. He also spoke about his willingness to start posting content shortly. In the meanwhile, I would advise visitors of the website to explore heavenly Indian food in Vancouver .

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