Deciding on a restaurant to eat at is usually a relatively simple exercise. There are so many choices in the GVRD. However, trying to find a suitable restaurant for 4 adults with 4 screaming kids is another story. Costanza and I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out where we could go. Finally we settled on an ol' standby, Me-n-Ed's. To those who are not familiar with Me-n-Ed's, it's a family pizza joint with 5 locations in the GVRD. Today, we went to the location in Burnaby on Kingsway near Edmonds. Much to our surprise, it was retro-pricing due to Me-n-Ed's 40th birthday; thus we put away our

Entertainment coupons. We were seated at the back of the restaurant and that was a good thing, by the time we left, we were the only ones there and the kids could run around free-range.
Normally, without a coupon or retro-pricing, Me-n-Ed's is not a cheap place to eat. The large specialty pizzas are $27.00 each. Today, they were only $22.00 each. Rather than going with the specialty pizzas, we made our own large pizza with as many toppings as we wanted for $22.00. We ended getting 2 large pizzas, one small for the kids, nachos and Caesar salad. We were seated at

a large table in the middle of the dining area which was devoid of any real good lighting. Therefore, the chances of taking some really good pictures was compromised. That's when I decided to take all the dishes over to a table near the window, snap a shot and then bring it back. So when the Caesar salad arrived, I swiped it and took it to the table near the window. The server came back and was thoroughly confused as to what happened to the salad. After an explanation from Viv, he was on-board with my antics. The remaining table in our section was quite intrigued as to what I was up to. Again, th

e things I do for his blog...
The pizza at Me-n-Ed's is a bit different than most of the other pizza chains out there. The crust is very thin and light, bordering on resembling a crunchy cracker. Consequently, the crust is not oily and in fact, the whole pizza is not really all that oily either. Since the pizza is relatively light and easy to eat, you will find that most people will eat more slices than regular pizzas. This actually makes the pizzas here even more expensive because you will need more of it to make you full. The pizzas, salad, nachos and 4 soft drinks pushed the total to nearly $100.00 (including tax & tip). Remember, this is with retro-pricing too. Me-n-Ed's is indeed great for families; however it's not cheap.
The Good:- Great for kids
- Light, easy-to-eat pizza
- Friendly service
The Bad:- Pizzas are not cheap
That's priiiiiiiicy. I've wondered about what this restaurant is like, since I remember seeing it in Burnaby as a kid. Thanks :)
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