Where can you get something that slices, dices and a ShamWow to go with it? Wait, how about 2 ShamWows if you are one of the first 30 customers? How about spending $50.00 trying to win a $10.00 prize? What about spending too much money for mediocre food? I know, how about waiting in line to see a home that you will never win? Yes, all of this and more can be found at the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) year after year. I've been a regular every year since my dad brought me as a kid. Now, we continue the tradition with our kids. Some people might think

the PNE is a waste of time and money; but despite my aforementioned questions, I look forward to it every year. Hey, we bought a $30.00 lint brush. Where else can you be suckered into something like that??? Moreover, the PNE will always have a place in my heart because this is where Viv and I "met". Well, I actually found out she worked at the PNE and decided to get a job there to get to know her.
My plan of attack today was to arrive early and snatch a close parking spot. With parking spot secured, we trekked up to the McD's and had a

leisurely breakfast. Did you know they are using a different type of hash brown? It's significantly less greasy; yet it is extremely pale and tastes like cardboard. I see an upcoming revolt. Anyways, we finished up and made it to Playland near opening time. My son was quite enthusiastic about the kiddie rides and I had to go with him on some. Do you know how hard it is to squeeze my 6'1 frame into the helicopter ride? Hey, at least he had a good time. He had such a good time, we almost missed the Superdogs show. On our way to the Coliseum, I stopped by Whales Tails Fry Bread like I always do. Every year, I get what is

essentially a fried piece of dough similar to Bannock. I know there are
Beaver Tails in Lonsdale Quay and Grouse Mountain; but it always tastes better at the fair. I really do not know why we watch Superdogs every year, it never changes! Hey, we still watch it and we somehow end up on the "Bow Wow" team every time. For some reason or another, I get the craving for a foot long hot dog during the show.
I did just that after the show, a foot long hot dog for $6.00. Really, it's nothing more than a really long hot dog with some grilled onions. But we get

it every year (sounds familiar eh?). We picked up a Deluxe Cheeseburger with Fries at Jimmy's Lunch as well. I'm not sure what is the big deal about these burgers anyways. It's a thin burger patty in between some processed cheese, lettuce, tomato, fried onions and bun. I guess it's the onions that make the burger? The fries were not really all that good either. Picked up a slice of Pizza from Guido's for my son and being the picky kid he is, he barely touched it. Wanting something more but a bit different, I went in search for grub. I stumbled upon some Smoked Turkey Drumsticks and Roasted Corn at "Corn and

Potatoes". Yup, some of these food joints at the PNE do not have really creative names. I do like Curry in a Hurry though! I first had a smoked turkey leg at Six Flags in California and have been craving it ever since. There is something primal in holding onto a large drumstick and gnawing on it like a barbarian. The roasted corn was ever-so-sweet; but predictably was bit overcooked.
Somewhere in here we need a beverage right? Well, to help quench my thirst from the salty; yet very tasty turkey drumstick, I went in search for lemonade. Despite there being one right around

the corner from where I was eating, I walked all the way back to Corn and Potatoes. Right next to them is a lemonade stand which is a bit different than the other ones around the PNE. At this one, they squeeze the lemon right in front of you into the cup. Also, the lemonade is not sweet whatsoever. Refreshing and less calories! Yah, like you can actually watch your calories at the fair! After eating lunch, we settled in for the Bobs & LoLo show for the kiddies. Honestly, what's the deal with this? 2 grown women singing songs, I don't get it. Well, the kiddies liked it at least.

With the show over, we headed over to Those Little Donuts. My former place of employment! Well, a long time ago that is... These donuts are best when eaten fresh from the cute little fryers. Soft, warm and sweet, these are a fair favourite. What goes well with donuts? Soft-serve ice cream of course! Not really; but I got some anyways. Again, it's one of those things I get every year, even though it's only soft-serve. It is really rich soft-serve and it's the same friendly ol' lady who runs it every year. Alright, the eating was going to stop with the ice cream; however, I had second thoughts. I figured that I really should try the

Fried Oreos and Fried Jelly Beans at Pennsylvania Dutch Funnel Cakes. You know what, despite how scary they sound and look, the Oreos were pretty good. It's almost like a donut with an Oreo stuffed inside. Soft and warm, it was sweet treat. The jury is still out on the jelly beans. It is essentially a fritter with Jelly Belly. Biting into it, the crispy fritter gives way to the soft fruity Jelly Bellys. Wasn't exactly my cup of tea; but I'm sure someone will like it. Here I am writing this post shortly after I got back home from the PNE. Since the fair is only 2 weeks long, I decided to fast track this post (so ignore the date of this post). I only wish I had some Pepto right now...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:- You can buy usesless items at the Showmart
- You can watch dogs run around at the Superdogs show
- You can eat food that would make McD's look healthy
- You can lineup for the roller coaster for an hour
- You can spend $100.00 at the Midway and end up with an ugly multi-coloured dinosaur
- You can "win a house, win a car"
- You can walk around with a mop at the PNE that you bought earlier in the day
- You can see farm animals urinate and poop right in front of you
- You can see a lot of crying children
- You can see a lot of crying husbands
- You can get a sno-cone and regret getting it
- You can go play bingo
Did you go on Tuesday? I did but didn't have the energy to stick around for the 8 pm concert with En Vogue, which was the purpose of the visit. Oh well.
Anyways, I can so relate to the sentimental memories at the PNE. I actually really like the house this year and was very tempted to try my luck.
Besides those tasty little donuts, my food list included a scone, coffee, a bison burger, yam/garlic fries, bbq chicken and a mango fruit shake to wash it all down.
I almost bought a corn dog to top it all off, but was definitely on deep fried overload by then.
I enjoyed watching the Celtic dancers and the community theatre with some talented local hip hop performers and the duelling swords/sabres, etc. was a hoot.
This means school is just around the corner for the youngsters heh, heh.
Hi Holly, I went today. This post is fresh! No, didn't stick around for the concert this year. You really went to town on the food! Yes, school is just around the corner...
Awwwwww.... You worked at the PNE just for Viv! Unfortunately (?), since I did not grow up here, I never had the chance to do that while I was a teenager. Good thing or bad, I will never know...
I agreed with you on the PNE. Not cheap, there are a lot of things I won't understand (specially some shows) but, in the end, it is an experience on its own. Oh, can I assume you did buy tickets for the PNE Prize Home? :D
Thanks Kim... LOL... No I didn't buy any tickets.... yet.
hahaha.. love this post, witty yet funny.
You know I can totally relate, I got sucked into buying the Smooth Away hair pads a couple of year ago for $35, but found them on Ebay for only $20 with shipping. Also, some how these products always works so well at the show, but it's just not the same when you try it at home :P
Since I worked there for about 6 summers, so it will always have a place in my heart too. I actually worked at the mini donut on the playland side, which in my opinion had worse work condition than "Those little donuts". But all in all, a fun experience that I would never trade for anything.
Hey Jenny, yah, the PNE is a unique experience if not the same every year. But indeed I go every year too. So you worked at a competing donut stand eh? LOL...
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