For all the Chinese food that is available in the GVRD, the dominant cuisine is Cantonese. Much like the dominant Indian cuisine is Punjabi, this is due to the predominant immigrants from a specific region into the Lower Mainland. We get a smattering of Shanghainese, Taiwanese and Northern Chinese here, but something that really is under-represented the food from the Xinshiang region of China (aka Uyghur cuisine). Influenced by the travelers along the Silk Road, there is definitely Muslin influences. Recently, I was invited to try out one of the few places that serve this type of food, Feel City BBQ, along with Maggi and Grace.
We were started off with the Red Willow Lamb Skewers. Much like the ones I had at Beijiang, the use of real sticks added a nice visual. Did it add more smoky wood flavour? Possibly, in the faintest of background finish. As for the lamb itself, the seasoning was balanced with just enough cumin and a bit of spice. The lamb was tender, surprisingly lean and cooked just enough.
Next, we were served the Sesame Oil Free-Range Chicken that featured chilis and Sichuan peppercorns. Even though the dish looked spicy, it really was mild with only intermittent hits of heat and numbingness. I didn't mind that it wasn't too spicy because often, food can be too hot and we don't get any of the subtle flavours. This I did with the aromatic sesame oil and the natural flavour of the chicken itself. The chicken was prepared well too being gelatinized and lean due to being free-range.
Now, we can't be dining on Xinshiang cuisine without having their signature item can we? So yes, we were presented with the Big Plate Chicken consisting of bone-in chicken, potatoes and peppers. Once again, this was a mild version of the dish where I could've possibly used more spice. However, it wasn't as if there wasn't enough inherent flavour either. There was a good balance of aromatics, sweetness and saltiness. The chicken was also free-range, so it was more lean, yet still tender. Loved the classic belt noodles underneath as they soaked up all the flavours.
The most striking item we had was the Smoked Lamb on a metal rack. It was exactly that with various pieces of lamb smoked directly skewered on the rack. They were fatty and super tender, literally melting in my mouth. Good lamb flavour without being super gamy while the side of chili flakes, cumin and onion allowed us to customize the taste. We were provided gloves to eat this as it got rather messy.
We finished of our meal with Yogurt with honey and nuts. For those who haven't tried this before, consider it plain yogurt that is very tart and devoid of sweetness. Hence the addition of honey on top. Even with that, this was probably needed even more honey as it was extremely tangy. Mind you, this was probably the intention as it was a good soothing end to the meal. Overall, the food was good and interesting enough for me to consider coming back for.