I decided to try out 2 items with the first being the Chicken Wrap. Okay now. If you look at the picture, what does the meat look like to you? Chicken? If you thought that, you must have your eyes checked because it sure looks like bacon right? Well, it is indeed chicken. WTF??? I don't know about you; but you have to overcook chicken pretty badly to make it look like bacon. In fact, you'd probably have to fry it a couple times over to achieve such an effect. Trying to chew it was akin to eating the "Ton-Can't-Chew" at Kawawa. The good news was that the veggies
Whereas the wrap was disappointing, the Fried Chicken was surprising. It's not much to look at and the batter was a bit thick; however, the chicken was moist, tender and juicy. I was quite shocked as to how tasty the chicken turned out to be. Despite being packaged French fries, they were pretty darn good as well. I think there was a starch coating on them and they were very crispy. Nice an potatoey on the inside too. There
The Good:
- It's cheap
- Food is made-to-order (except for the "chicken meat")
- It's relatively fast
The Bad:
- Awful chicken meat for the wrap
- Limited parking
hey, good on you for giving a place like that a chance. most of us drive right by. but you're right about the chicken in the wrap... ick! what were they thinking?
Yah, it's not somewhere I'd normally eat at, but it fit the bill for lunch. Yah, not sure why they served the chicken!
Thank you for your review Sherman. My Names Tony and I'm the co-owner at Mr G's (the name is derived from my family last name).
We opened in Octobe 2009 so we are still in the learning phase since this is our first venture and I appreciate all good and bad comments.
As for the wraps, the chicken is not days old as we slice it daily from our rotisserie. The chicken is pre-marinated hence the dark colors. As for being over-cooked, i will definately pass on the suggestion to have that corrected.
I appreciate your comments about teh chicken and fries. Yes fries do come packaged but at the moment to help keep prices as low as they are and to reduce prep times, we have decided to go that route.
Your comments are appreciated and noted as we begin to establish and receive feedback, we will try our best to fix any errors made as well as build upon our menu.
thank you again
TOny Garcha
Thanks for the comments Tony. I'm willing to give the wrap another go and see if the chicken that day was a one off. Honestly, it was very dry as you can see in the picture. However, I don't think you need to change the fries, they were actually quite good and well prepared. As mentioned, the fried chicken was very good. Is there a reason why the chicken for the wrap was like that? I'm sure it wasn't prepared to be bad on purpose for sure. As for the day old comment, I'll be glad to remove that.
Hey Sherman, definately drop by again. I am not usually there as I only come in to relieve the staff. The fellow you deal with is my brother. He viewed the blog as well already so yah definately come by and we hope the next time will be a different experience.
as for the chicken, compared to teh lamb and beef, it is the hardest to retain moisture with it, but we are trying different techniques to prevent that from happening. Thanks again
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